
Biden v. Medicare Advantage

Biden v. Medicare Advantage

When does the failure to answer a phone call in 8 seconds cost the company receiving the call $190 million? When the caller is a spy working for the agency that runs Medicare and the receiving entity is a private insurance company. More.

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Leftists in Colorado Seem Poised to Try Again for Single Payer Health Insurance

Leftists in Colorado Seem Poised to Try Again for Single Payer Health Insurance

Last time around, the idea was rejected by almost 79% of the voters. And for good reasons. British Columbia’s single payer system is so mismanaged it pays for cancer patient radiation treatments in Bellingham, Washington.  Its hip replacement wait can be almost a year… Because Canadian patients wait twice as long as recommended for MRI scans, those who can afford it pay cash for quick service at US imaging centers in border cities like Buffalo, NY and Bellevue, WA. More.

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Two Cheers for the Bipartisan Tax Deal

Two Cheers for the Bipartisan Tax Deal

A rare bipartisan agreement in Congress would create a larger child tax credit for parents and extend some key business tax breaks in the 2017 (Trump) tax reform bill that have expired. Democrats are said to favor the former and Republicans the latter.

Opinions on the accord are all over the map, with pros and cons – both on the right and the left. I give it two cheers. If it were funded by reducing means-tested welfare spending, I would give it a third cheer.

More at Forbes

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What Are We Getting for All That Obamacare Spending?

What Are We Getting for All That Obamacare Spending?

Obamacare spending has now reached $214 billion a year, insuring people through Medicaid (which is mostly contracted out to private insurers) and the Obamacare exchanges.  At $1,731 for every household in America, that’s a great deal of money being transferred from taxpayers to insurance companies every year.

So, what are we getting in return?

One scholarly study finds there has been no overall increase in health care utilization in the U.S. since the enactment of Obamacare. The number of doctor visits per capita actually fell over the last decade.

See my latest post at Forbes.

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How the FDA Misled Us During the COVID Pandemic

How the FDA Misled Us During the COVID Pandemic

COVID-19 is steadily attracting less attention, which is welcome news. Before we put the pandemic behind us, however, we should learn important lessons so we can avoid repeating mistakes. One catastrophic mistake is that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) perpetrated misinformation that probably killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Unless steps are taken to rein in the FDA’s powers, similar results are likely to happen in the future.

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Julian Simon, Vindicated Again

Julian Simon, Vindicated Again

Each year, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has a dinner in Washington, D.C., honoring the economist Julian Simon, who died in 1998. Simon was a rare optimist in the fields of population and natural resources. He disagreed with most environmentalists of his day (especially in the 1980s through 1990s). They feared passionately that growing population would overwhelm agriculture and industry and that the world would run out of natural resources such as oil and minerals.

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What Companies Using AI Need To Know About The Sam Altman Reshuffle

What Companies Using AI Need To Know About The Sam Altman Reshuffle

Turmoil is rocking the artificial intelligence industry. Business leaders developing an AI strategy should—in most but not all cases—continue as before the recent big news.

The board of OpenAI fired Sam Altman as CEO on November 17, and the company’s president, Greg Brockman, resigned soon after. Three days later, Microsoft announced, “Sam Altman and Greg Brockman, together with colleagues, will be joining Microsoft MSFT -1.2% to lead a new advanced AI research team.”

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