What I Bet You Don’t Know About Health Savings Accounts

What I Bet You Don’t Know About Health Savings Accounts

Health Savings Account plans are the fastest growing product in the health insurance marketplace. At last count, 25 million Americans were covered by an HSA plan and the account balances totaled $50 billion. That’s on a par with the gross domestic product of the entire state of Alaska. It’s more than the GDP of South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming or Vermont.

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Our Priorities

Our Priorities

The Goodman Institute is doing work not done by any other organization – especially in the areas of tax, health care and entitlement policy.  Without our work the nation might not have obtained tax reform. Now we need to defend it.

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Goodman Pans New Dem Health Plan at Forbes

Goodman Pans New Dem Health Plan at Forbes

Democrats in the House of Representatives have put aside grandiose thoughts of Medicare-for-All and single-payer health insurance – at least for a day or two. Instead, they have introduced a new health plan with a more modest goal: making Obamacare work better.

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Our Priorities

The Year Ahead

A high priority will be to assess the effects of tax reform and to communicate the results widely. The Trump administration is using our ideas to reform Obamacare, Medicare and the health care system in general.

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