Why Do We Have A Death Tax?

Why Do We Have A Death Tax?

Not all taxation is theft. But one tax that comes about as close as possible to being theft is the estate tax. After all, dead people aren’t getting any more services from government.

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Cassidy Health Plan: The Third Way

Cassidy Health Plan: The Third Way

The Supreme Court will soon rule on whether federal tax subsidies for health insurance are legal in 37 states where state governments are not running their own exchanges.

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Is Obama Trying To Privatize Medicare By Stealth?

Is Obama Trying To Privatize Medicare By Stealth?

Privatizing Medicare is an anathema to the left wing of the Democratic Party. There was a period, back in the 1990s when it appeared that Democrats would cooperate with Republicans in fundamental reform of this entitlement program and it appeared that President Clinton might go along.

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What You Should Know About Social Security

What You Should Know About Social Security

Social Security is far more complicated than most people realize. In fact, it is so complicated that even PhD economists are losing tens of thousands of dollars because they don’t know how to maximize the benefits the system owes them.

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