Economic Growth Theories Fall into the Dustbin of History (And That’s Okay)

Economic Growth Theories Fall into the Dustbin of History (And That’s Okay)

Economists like Samuelson failed to understand economic growth in developing countries. Unbeknownst to them, cost-reducing innovations in transportation and communication led to increased trade and lifted people out of poverty. The Industrial Revolution benefited only a small portion of the world. Trade spurred prosperity and development on its own.

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It’s Time to Retire the Labor Law

It’s Time to Retire the Labor Law

The emergence of Uber and similar ride services and the pandemic-induced phenomenon of working from home are radically changing the nature of work. The idea of “an hour of work” for a single employer is increasingly a meaningless concept. But without that metric, you can’t make sense of “minimum hourly pay” or “overtime” and other features of 85-year-old labor law. Moreover, millions of people no longer want to be traditional “employees.” To facilitate that desire, we need to let independent contractors have all the tax advantages employees have with respect to health insurance, retirement pensions and other benefits. More.

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Medicare’s Future

Medicare’s Future

In just eight years, nearly 78 million Medicare beneficiaries will face an automatic 11 percent payment cut in their hospital insurance benefits, and these cuts could come even sooner and strike even deeper if America is hit by a recession. More

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Social Security Sues invalid for Money He Received 21 Years Ago, At Age 11

Social Security Sues invalid for Money He Received 21 Years Ago, At Age 11

Roy Farmer of Grand Rapids Michigan has Cerebral Palsy. He’s 32. In 2019, out of the blue, he received a claw back letter from Social Security demanding he repay $4,902 that his (now deceased) mother received back when he was 11. Roy has spent over three years appealing this judgement. He’s been denied twice. More from Kotlikoff Forbes editorial.

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Our Fiscal System Needs Reform

Our Fiscal System Needs Reform

Over half of working-age Americans face lifetime marginal tax rates (including direct taxes and loss of entitlement benefits) above 43 percent. One in ten in the bottom fifth face tax rates above 70 percent, effectively locking them into poverty. For some would-be-workers, the tax rates exceed 100 percent.

Extremely high LMTRs reflect the complete loss of family benefits, in the current and future years, from programs such as Medicaid – which ends benefits abruptly if one’s income or assets exceed specific thresholds by even one dollar. More.

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Charity Without the Welfare State

Charity Without the Welfare State

We can have a safety net that meets the needs of people who experience misfortune without creating a permanent class of nonworking dependents who behave in socially undesirable ways.

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What to Know About Pete Sessions’ Health Reform Bill

What to Know About Pete Sessions’ Health Reform Bill

With the help of scholars at the Goodman institute and Americans for Prosperity, Congressman Pete Sessions and his colleagues have introduced the Health Care Fairness for All Act. Among its other features, the bill would do the following: 1. For the first time in the...

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Update: The Durham Report

Update: The Durham Report

Why are the mainstream media outlets so intent on convincing us there is no there, there?

Maybe it’s because the report invites us to review not just the behavior of the FBI and the intelligence community during the Trump presidency, but also the behavior of the media during all that time.

Here is a brief review of all the times Donald Trump was called a “traitor” on the editorial pages of the New York Times and elsewhere.  This was not just schoolyard name calling. In column after column, writers encouraged readers to believe that Trump might actually be the agent of a foreign power.

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Conservation Leases? 

Conservation Leases? 

This guest post by Shawn Regan is a substantive analysis of the recent proposal by the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management to allow leasing of public land for conservation purposes. Regan is vice president of research at the Property and Environment...

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