The Federal Reserve’s Accountability Deficit

The Federal Reserve’s Accountability Deficit

The Federal Reserve enjoys extraordinary independence from the elected branches of government, based on the well-founded fear that politicians cannot be trusted with the power to print money and manipulate interest rates.

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The Jeb Bush Health Plan

The Jeb Bush Health Plan

In contrast to Obamacare, the Bush health plan envisions a much smaller role for government and a much bigger role for individual choice and competition in the marketplace.

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Are High Deductibles A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing?

Are High Deductibles A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing?

Here is the good news. Responsibility for managing health care spending is being increasingly shifted away from third-party payer bureaucracies to individual patients, who often are much better at evaluating the costs and benefits of their own care.

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Why Is There Global Poverty?

Why Is There Global Poverty?

It’s a “moral outrage,” Barack Obama told the United Nations delegates last week. He was speaking about the fact that 800 million men, women and children in the world scrape by on less than $1.25 a day and that billions of people are at risk of dying from preventable diseases.

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