Eight Health Reforms the GOP Should Avoid

Eight Health Reforms the GOP Should Avoid

It’s been six years since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) and it’s still unpopular with the voters.  Hardly a week goes by without the discovery of new problems and new victims. Yet Republicans in Congress still don’t have a credible alternative.

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Can the Government Make Doctors Better Doctors?

Can the Government Make Doctors Better Doctors?

You can take this to the bank. Every innovation in the production of every good or service – anything that lowers costs or increases quality – originates on the supply side of the market. There has never been a successful innovation that originated on the demand side.

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Roth Health Savings Accounts: What the World Needs Now

Roth Health Savings Accounts: What the World Needs Now

Health Alert. Here are four pieces of bad news: Even though (1) the Obamacare out-of-pocket limits are outrageously high, (2) 80 percent of exchange plans are incompatible with a Health Savings Account, (3) new regulations will virtually outlaw HSAs for the remaining 20 percent, and (4) the Obama administration has no clue about how to merge health savings with insurance, even if the desire were there.

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Radical Reform Labor Law, Part II

Radical Reform Labor Law, Part II

In business after business and industry after industry, buyers and sellers of labor services are increasingly facing a difficult problem: should workers be treated as “employees” or as “independent contractors”?

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