Stupid Economics

Stupid Economics

In its long history, economics has entertained many schools of thought. They include Mercantilism, bimetallism, Marxism, Keynesian economics, socialism, communism, monetarism, rational expectations and neoclassical economics. None was perfect and each was superseded by some different perspective.

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Barack Obama’s Faulty Memory About Health Reform

Barack Obama’s Faulty Memory About Health Reform

President Barack Obama says he’d be happy to get rid of Obamacare — if Republicans can replace it with something better. Addressing his comments to Republicans, Obama said, “If you can in fact put a plan together that is demonstrably better than what Obamacare is doing, I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan.”

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How Republicans Can Keep Donald Trump’s Promises On Health Care

Why Should The Young And The Healthy Bail Out Of Obamacare?

If you are wondering why the Obamacare exchanges are in so much trouble, a whole slew of “experts” think they have the answer. From President Obama to health insurance industry CEOs to the editors of The New York Times to health policy gurus everywhere – the verdict is almost unanimous.

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