Magical Tool Helps Manage your Finances

Magical Tool Helps Manage your Finances

In taking over Scott Burns’ column, I promised to perform some money magic — to show you ways to better manage your finances and safely raise your living standard. I can’t do this on a one-on-one basis.

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A Conservative Approach To Health Reform

A Conservative Approach To Health Reform

Sen Rand Paul (R-KY) says he can‘t support a health reform now being considered by the leadership in the House of Representatives. He predicts that many conservatives in Congress will agree with him.

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Do Republicans Have a Death Wish?

Do Republicans Have a Death Wish?

Just when you thought things couldn’t possibly get better for the Republican party, a startling thought is cropping up on Capitol Hill and on K street. It’s being reinforced by the ugly reception Republicans are getting at Town Hall meetings around the country.

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How The Fed Can Save The House Tax Bill

How The Fed Can Save The House Tax Bill

As I’ve written, the House Republican tax bill has a lot to recommend it, including to Democrats. It needs some tweaks and proper transition rules to ensure it’s at least revenue neutral and as progressive as the current system (which, as you can read here, is far more progressive than commonly believed).

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Magical Tool Helps Manage your Finances

Picking up the torch from Scott Burns

My grandmother, Bessie Cohen, loved Johnny Carson. She lived for Ed McMahon’s nightly scream, “Heeeeere’s Johnny.” When Carson retired, I knew Mom-Mom, who was 92, would take it hard. Sure enough, she passed within a week.

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