Take advantage of these tax tips

Take advantage of these tax tips

We have until April 18 to file our taxes this year. I know no one who likes paying taxes, even though Uncle Sam badly needs every penny. If everyone paid their fair tax share, it would be one thing. But they don’t.

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House GOP tax plan really is a ‘Better Way’

House GOP tax plan really is a ‘Better Way’

Last June, Republicans in the House Ways and Means Committee rolled out their “Better Way” tax reform plan. It proposes big changes to business and personal taxation. Critics say it’s regressive and will likely decrease revenues because of the cut in personal rates.

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Getting Health Reform Right

Getting Health Reform Right

Here is something you can take to the bank. If Republicans can’t produce an alternative to Obamacare that solves the real problems of ordinary people, they will never be able to pass a health reform bill.

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Republican Health Care Fiasco

Republican Health Care Fiasco

Republicans failed to repeal and replace ObamaCare for four reasons. First, there was never agreement about what the party was for and what it was against – even after 7 years and 60 repeal votes in Congress.

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