Congress Could Improve Health Care by Reforming the False Claims Act

Congress Could Improve Health Care by Reforming the False Claims Act

In a new Independence Institute working paper on the use and misuse of the False Claims Act (FCA), attorneys Mark W. Pearlstein and Laura McLane explain how an 1863 statute written to expose and punish Civil War contractors who billed for gunpowder and supplied kegs full of sawdust raises costs and threatens access to medical care.

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The Surprisingly Good ‘Republican’ Tax Plan

The Surprisingly Good ‘Republican’ Tax Plan

The just-announced Republican tax plan is essentially the House “Better Way” plan proposed in June 2016. The business part of the tax reform transforms our corporate tax into a business cash flow tax (BCFT) by moving to full expensing and restricting interest deductibility.

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Using Game Theory To Handle North Korea

Using Game Theory To Handle North Korea

John Von Neumann, the inventor of game theory, developed this powerful analytical method for the field of economics. But he immediately understood its application to conflict, including warfare.

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The Better Way Tax Plan

The Better Way Tax Plan

A plan to radically reform the US income tax system has been proposed by House Speaker Paul Ryan and House Ways & Means Chairman Kevin Brady. On the personal side, the system would become simpler, fairer and flatter.

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ObamaCare is a success — at sucking vast sums of money from the private sector

ObamaCare is a success — at sucking vast sums of money from the private sector

In Washington, the healthcare debate isn’t about rescuing the people in the individual insurance market from ObamaCare’s high premiums and poor coverage. Nor is it about improving patient welfare, or reducing medical costs. It’s about using the “coverage for all” mantra to suck huge sums of money out of the private sector with ObamaCare taxes, premiums, and regulations.

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