Goodman Pans New Dem Health Plan at Forbes

Goodman Pans New Dem Health Plan at Forbes

Democrats in the House of Representatives have put aside grandiose thoughts of Medicare-for-All and single-payer health insurance – at least for a day or two. Instead, they have introduced a new health plan with a more modest goal: making Obamacare work better.

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How to think about Inequality

How to think about Inequality

U.S. inequality is egregious, but it’s far less egregious when measured correctly. But understanding our true degree of inequality is important, especially for the many Democratic presidential candidates now proposing tax, Social Security and health-care reforms to fix the problem.

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How to think about Inequality

Kotlikoff in The Hill: There is less inequality than you think.

U.S. inequality is egregious, but it’s far less egregious when measured correctly. But understanding our true degree of inequality is important, especially for the many Democratic presidential candidates now proposing tax, Social Security and health-care reforms to fix the problem.

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