Don’t Worry about Greenland’s Melting Ice

Don’t Worry about Greenland’s Melting Ice

Greenland ‘s ice mass is melting—but more slowly than it did a decade ago, and its level right now is about the same as in the 1930s. But little of this information reaches the media or even the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)…

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More Bad Advice or Social Security

More Bad Advice or Social Security

Social Security is once again sending out clearly false benefit statements. If the code generating the statements is generating actual benefit payments, millions of Americans may be receiving too little or too much in Social Security benefit payments. If you are receiving too much, you can expect to be billed for all past overpayments years later even though the mistaken overpayment was entirely Social Security’s fault.

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More on that contract

More on that contract

Almost three decades ago Republicans recaptured the House, for the first time in 40 years. Led by Newt Gingrich, they ran on a one page (Reader’s Digest size) set of promised reforms. My colleagues and I supplied the tax reforms for the document.

There has been a lot of media speculation about another Contract for this fall’s election. I have made a number of suggestions, but I can’t guarantee it will happen. Nonetheless, because of the prospect that it might happen the original Contract is now being trashed as partisan and self-serving by the mainstream media.

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Marriage Pays Off, Especially with a Prenup

Marriage Pays Off, Especially with a Prenup

After just nine months, you’re eligible to collect future widow(er) Social Security benefits. Plus, after one year of marriage, you and your spouse are eligible to collect future spousal benefits. And if you stay married for 10 years, you’re eligible for divorced spousal and divorced widow(er) benefits.

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Why Early Retirement is a Huge Mistake

Why Early Retirement is a Huge Mistake

Almost two-thirds of people — between ages 57 and 66 — choose to retire early out their own volition, despite having saved next to nothing. And most of them are able-bodied, without disabilities that would prevent them from staying on the job.

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Is the New York Times Racist?

Is the New York Times Racist?

President Biden’s promise to appoint a Black woman to the Supreme Court has attracted support among a number of columnists and public officials on the grounds of promoting “diversity.” Charles Blow, a Black columnist for the New York Times, is much more honest. “It is important,” he says, “that Black people have a Black person on the court . . . in tune with the views of the Black community.”

Here is one thing you can take to the bank. Whomever Biden nominates, she will not have views in tune with the views of the Black community.

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How Government Abuses the Elderly

How Government Abuses the Elderly

The federal government spends an enormous amount of money on the elderly – far more, for example, than it spends on children. At the same time, rules, regulations, taxes and penalties create enormous burdens for senior citizens when they do such ordinary things as work for wages, withdraw funds from an IRA or even try to insure for medical expenses. Seniors who claim early retirement under Social Security, for example, face the highest tax rates in the nation when they earn more than a modest amount of wage income.

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What Are Republicans For?

What Are Republicans For?

At his ill-fated press conference last week, President Biden threw out a challenge to his Republican critics. Biden said, “Think about this: What are Republicans for? What are they for? Name me one thing they’re for.” Asked what his agenda would be if Republicans regained control of Congress, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell replied that it was “a very good question. And I’ll let you know when we take it back.”

Is that the best response the GOP can muster? What about being for no inflation, no shortages, no more lockdowns, safe neighborhoods, secure borders, energy independence and a foreign policy that doesn’t confuse our allies and embolden our enemies?

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Don’t Borrow for College

Don’t Borrow for College

18-year-olds face these odds when they borrow for college. Two in 5 will enter the hallowed halls of academia only to drop out. The majority will have borrowed for the privilege. As for college graduates, over two-thirds will leave in debt.

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