Outside the Box

Generation Gap

Generation Gap

The Kerry-­Lieberman energy bill would enervate America. Commentary by Pete du Pont June 25, 2010 Source: Wall Street Journal A year ago the Waxman-­Markey energy regulation bill passed the House. Now before the Senate is the Kerry­-Lieberman energy regulation bill,...

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Generation Gap

Americans Know the Drill

The people support offshore oil exploration. The politicians should listen. Commentary by Pete du Pont May 17, 2010 Source: Wall Street Journal The amount of energy America's economy consumes is rising, and oil is a significant portion of its generation. But the...

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Generation Gap

Welcome to Europe

America has changed its course, perhaps forever. Commentary by Pete du Pont March 25, 2010 Source: The Wall Street Journal Late Sunday night America made its largest public­-policy course change since the 1930's: Congress moved 17% of our national economy from the...

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Generation Gap

Nightfall in America

The Obama deficits portend a gloomy future. Commentary by Pete du Pont February 16, 2010 Source: The Wall Street Journal Is it, as President Reagan's re­election commercial said, "morning in America"? Back then it was, but not anymore; it is economic evening in...

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