John Goodman

The IRA Bill: What’s Our Answer?

The IRA Bill: What’s Our Answer?

This may surprise some of you, but we have been unable to find a conservative/libertarian alternative to the Democrats’ proposals on Medicare prescription drugs. Yet, there are real problems that need solving. This morning at Forbes, John Goodman provides a first-of-its-kind analysis of why the Medicare prescription drug market doesn’t work as it should, and what can be done to correct those problems – with no new taxes, no new spending and no new impediments to the discovery of life saving drugs. More.

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Here’s What’s Wrong With BBB Lite

Here’s What’s Wrong With BBB Lite

Obamacare is a flawed program that has made health insurance unaffordable and unattractive for millions of people. Instead of fixing these flaws with sensible (bipartisan) reforms that need not cost the taxpayers an extra dime, the new proposal would double down on a colossal mistake.

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The Marriage Tax

The Marriage Tax

Young adults with low- or middle-income jobs pay a heavy price if they marry. When higher tax rates are combined with a reduction in welfare/entitlement benefits, the economic loss from marriage is equal to between one-and-a-half and two years of income, on average. More.

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Voter’s Guide on Health Reform

Voter’s Guide on Health Reform

This brief Q & A covers all the major issues, including telemedicine, direct primary care, portable health insurance, Health Savings Accounts, continuous open enrollment, etc. There are two types of information: (1) what the issue is about and (2) how the two political parties have differed. This is an invaluable resource for voters and candidates alike. More

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Protecting Seniors from Inflation

Protecting Seniors from Inflation

Congress should do three things: (1) index the Social Security benefits tax, (2) let inflation indexed government bonds also index against inflation-induced higher taxes, and (3) let people exchange their non-indexed pensions for an inflation-indexed alternatives. More.

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A Health Reform Whose Time Has Come

A Health Reform Whose Time Has Come

The basic idea: take all the spending and tax subsidies we now provide to private health insurance and use that money to give every American not on a government health plan a refundable tax credit. This money could be used to purchase health insurance and make deposits to Health Savings Accounts, from which people could purchase health services directly. Rep. Pete Sessions has a bill that would do just that. More

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