John Goodman

Power To The People: Can We Privatize The Welfare State?

Power To The People: Can We Privatize The Welfare State?

The primary reason for the growth of big government in the twentieth century was social insurance. The idea behind Social Security, for example, is insurance against the risk of growing old and not being able to support yourself after you can no longer work.

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Why Do We Have A Death Tax?

Why Do We Have A Death Tax?

Not all taxation is theft. But one tax that comes about as close as possible to being theft is the estate tax. After all, dead people aren’t getting any more services from government.

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What You Should Know About Social Security

What You Should Know About Social Security

Social Security is far more complicated than most people realize. In fact, it is so complicated that even PhD economists are losing tens of thousands of dollars because they don’t know how to maximize the benefits the system owes them.

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