John Goodman

Cato Goes Off The Rails On Health Policy

Cato Goes Off The Rails On Health Policy

It’s been five years since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). In all that time Republicans have not produced a single, credible alternative to it that they can unite behind. Have you ever wondered why?

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The Republican Cadillac Tax

The Republican Cadillac Tax

Big business is against it. So is big labor. Ditto for K Street. What do they want? The repeal of Obamacare’s tax on high cost health care plans.

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Cassidy Health Plan: The Third Way

Cassidy Health Plan: The Third Way

The Supreme Court will soon rule on whether federal tax subsidies for health insurance are legal in 37 states where state governments are not running their own exchanges.

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Cassidy health plan: The third way

Cassidy health plan: The third way

The Supreme Court will soon rule on whether federal tax subsidies for health insurance are legal in 37 states where state governments are not running their own exchanges.

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