John Goodman

Are High Deductibles a Good Thing?  Part II

Are High Deductibles a Good Thing? Part II

When people are spending below their deductible they will not spend a dollar unless they expect to get a dollar’s worth of value. But when they are above their deductible they may spend a dollar even though the service is worth far less than what they pay.

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Are High Deductibles a Good Thing?  Part I

Are High Deductibles a Good Thing? Part I

Because I am often called the “Father of Health Savings Accounts” people sometimes assume that I favor high deductible health insurance. I don’t. In fact, I don’t really favor deductibles at all.

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Better Care at One Tenth the Cost

Better Care at One Tenth the Cost

“The problem with Obamacare is that it is focused on finding the money to pay for what good health care costs; instead we should be focused on lowering the cost of health care so that people can afford it.”

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The US Is Rationing Life Saving Drugs

The US Is Rationing Life Saving Drugs

Here’s a warning for Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Before getting government more involved in controlling drug prices, take a close look at the mistakes that have already been made (and that are not being corrected) and the human suffering these mistakes are causing.

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Let Employers Decide How Health Insurance Should Be Subsidized At Work

Let Employers Decide How Health Insurance Should Be Subsidized At Work

There are two things almost all health economists are in agreement about: (1) you cannot have successful reform of the health care system if you ignore the 150 million people who get health insurance through an employer and (2) the way we currently subsidize employer-provided health insurance is very wasteful and inefficient.

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