John Goodman

Paul Ryan’s Universal Health Tax Credit

Paul Ryan’s Universal Health Tax Credit

For well over a decade, House Speaker Paul Ryan has been a steadfast supporter of replacing current tax and spending subsidies for health care and health insurance with a universal tax credit. Readers may be surprised to learn that within the health policy community this idea is not regarded as right wing.

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New GOP Bill Promises Real Health Care Reform

New GOP Bill Promises Real Health Care Reform

After six years of living with Obamacare, Republicans have finally produced an alternative. Other GOP proposals in recent years have been narrowly focused on the 20 million or so people who have been insured by Obamacare.

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Why Republican Health Reform Would Be a Godsend to the States

Do Republicans Have a Death Wish on Health Care?

Do you know how Obamacare is funded? That is, do you know where the money comes from that pays for the operation of the exchanges, the subsidies people get when they buy insurance and the expansion of Medicaid to millions of new enrollees in more than half the states?

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