John Goodman

Republican Health Care Fiasco

Republican Health Care Fiasco

Republicans failed to repeal and replace ObamaCare for four reasons. First, there was never agreement about what the party was for and what it was against – even after 7 years and 60 repeal votes in Congress.

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A Conservative Approach To Health Reform

A Conservative Approach To Health Reform

Sen Rand Paul (R-KY) says he can‘t support a health reform now being considered by the leadership in the House of Representatives. He predicts that many conservatives in Congress will agree with him.

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Do Republicans Have a Death Wish?

Do Republicans Have a Death Wish?

Just when you thought things couldn’t possibly get better for the Republican party, a startling thought is cropping up on Capitol Hill and on K street. It’s being reinforced by the ugly reception Republicans are getting at Town Hall meetings around the country.

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Barack Obama’s Faulty Memory About Health Reform

Barack Obama’s Faulty Memory About Health Reform

President Barack Obama says he’d be happy to get rid of Obamacare — if Republicans can replace it with something better. Addressing his comments to Republicans, Obama said, “If you can in fact put a plan together that is demonstrably better than what Obamacare is doing, I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan.”

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