John Goodman

If Republicans could get past their Obamacare obsession, they might fix health care

If Republicans could get past their Obamacare obsession, they might fix health care

Republicans are bogged down in their efforts to pass a health reform bill for one basic reason: they are too obsessed with repealing the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) instead of reforming the health care system and solving people’s problems. Put differently, they have forgotten Donald Trump’s campaign promise to make health insurance better and less expensive and leave no one behind.

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Why Republicans Can’t Pass A Health Care Bill

Why Republicans Can’t Pass A Health Care Bill

Recriminations are already underway – at the White House, on Capitol Hill, in the news media. They are debating whose fault it is that Senate Republicans can’t pass a health care bill. Was it the fault of Mitch McConnell? Or Mike Lee?  Or the half dozen other senators who balked?

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Can Ted Cruz Save Republican Health Reform?

Can Ted Cruz Save Republican Health Reform?

One thing missing from the recent Republican efforts to reform Obamacare is what George H.W. Bush called “the vision thing.” What would a Republican health care system look like? How would it differ from the Obamacare exchanges the Democrats have created?

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Republicans Are In A Health Care Trap. Here’s What They Can Do About It

Republicans Are In A Health Care Trap. Here’s What They Can Do About It

For most of the last seven years, Republicans thought it would be easy. Everyone could see that Obamacare was a mess. It has so many problems it would take forever to list them. Even Bill Clinton said the system is “crazy.” There are so many victims and so many horror stories, it’s almost impossible to think of a system that could be worse.

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Lessons from Georgia

Lessons from Georgia

Tuesday’s election in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District has important lessons for both parties.

The Democrat started out attacking Donald Trump and then went on to other messages.

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