John Goodman

Goodman: Obamacare Alternatives Soar

Goodman: Obamacare Alternatives Soar

According to Gallup, the number of people who are uninsured has risen over the last two years. Although this conclusion is disputed by government estimates, it’s very possible that no one is measuring the phenomenon correctly.

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Trump’s New Vision for Health Care

Trump’s New Vision for Health Care

Have you ever wondered why you can’t talk to your doctor by phone or by email? Or why a doctor can’t examine you in your own home using a phone app? Or why specialists at our top hospitals aren’t using telemedicine for long-distance examinations of patients all over the country? Or why it’s so hard to combine ordinary health insurance with a concierge doctor?

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Open Letter To The Republican Party

Open Letter To The Republican Party

I have an uncomplicated theory of voter behavior: when the party in power approaches issues in a way that is simplistic, extreme and beholden to special interests, people tend to vote for the other party.

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Do Democrats Have A Health Care Plan?

Do Democrats Have A Health Care Plan?

Nancy Pelosi says there are three reasons the Democrats took back the House: “Health care, health care and health care.” She may be right. Half the Democratic TV ads were on health care. By one estimate, Democratic candidates spent a reported $90 million on health care ads alone.

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Open Letter To The Republican Party

Why Republicans Lost The House

Nancy Pelosi says there are three reasons the Democrats took back the House: “Health care, health care and health care.” She may not be exaggerating.

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