John C. Goodman

An example of a scam by Social Security

An example of a scam by Social Security

Jim Cornfeld, a certified financial planner in St. Louis who manages a wealth-adviser network that uses my company’s Social Security software, sent me the following email. Let me share my answer.

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Are Robots Eating Our Lunch?

Are Robots Eating Our Lunch?

I was leaving my dry cleaner’s when I saw her — our local meter maid writing a parking ticket. She smiled. I grimaced. Had she hit my car too? I instinctively drew my cellphone and checked my Park Boston app. Relief. My car was good for another half-hour.

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Kotlikoff: The Robots are Coming

Kotlikoff: The Robots are Coming

How long will it be before a robot takes your job? And after that happens, who will be around to buy the goods and services the robots produce? Here’s a scary thought; the robot revolution may not make us better off.

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America’s Fiscal Sword of Damocles

America’s Fiscal Sword of Damocles

“Every man, woman and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by accident or miscalculation or by madness.”

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