John C. Goodman

ObamaCare is a success — at sucking vast sums of money from the private sector

ObamaCare is a success — at sucking vast sums of money from the private sector

In Washington, the healthcare debate isn’t about rescuing the people in the individual insurance market from ObamaCare’s high premiums and poor coverage. Nor is it about improving patient welfare, or reducing medical costs. It’s about using the “coverage for all” mantra to suck huge sums of money out of the private sector with ObamaCare taxes, premiums, and regulations.

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Should I Rent or Own?

Should I Rent or Own?

There’s a shiny new high-rise in Boston. It’s strikingly beautiful, with deep blue glass that reflects the sky. The other day I drove past the new tower and saw the huge sign: “To rent or own, call …”

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In the current effort to reform Obamacare, Republicans are missing a huge opportunity.

In the current effort to reform Obamacare, Republicans are missing a huge opportunity.

The one really good (and really amazing) thing about Obamacare is that the Democrats put a cap on future Medicare spending. This was not a ten-year cap. It goes on forever – essentially restricting Medicare’s growth to the growth of the economy. According to the Medicare Trustees reports, the day Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act he wiped away more than $50 trillion in unfunded Medicare liability.

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If Republicans could get past their Obamacare obsession, they might fix health care

If Republicans could get past their Obamacare obsession, they might fix health care

Republicans are bogged down in their efforts to pass a health reform bill for one basic reason: they are too obsessed with repealing the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) instead of reforming the health care system and solving people’s problems. Put differently, they have forgotten Donald Trump’s campaign promise to make health insurance better and less expensive and leave no one behind.

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Why Republicans Can’t Pass A Health Care Bill

Why Republicans Can’t Pass A Health Care Bill

Recriminations are already underway – at the White House, on Capitol Hill, in the news media. They are debating whose fault it is that Senate Republicans can’t pass a health care bill. Was it the fault of Mitch McConnell? Or Mike Lee?  Or the half dozen other senators who balked?

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