John C. Goodman

Kotlikoff in The Hill: Sen. Johnson’s tax plan is best

Kotlikoff in The Hill: Sen. Johnson’s tax plan is best

The GOP tax bill is good, but not great. It will increase investment, output and real wages, but by far less than a smarter reform can generate. Second, the GOP plan is revenue-neutral at best. Yet, we desperately need more taxes to shore up Social Security and Medicare and to rebuild our failing infrastructure.

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More on: Is a Tax Cut for Capital Good for Labor?

More on: Is a Tax Cut for Capital Good for Labor?

Greg Mankiw (Harvard) weighs in to show that there are theoretically large gains to labor when you reduce taxes on capital. Casey Mulligan (Chicago) cites Larry Summers’ own work to make a point that has long been standard fare in economics: a tax on capital is ultimately born by labor, not owners of capital. Alan Auerbach(Berkley) apparently agrees. See also John Cochrane (Stanford) and Steve Landsburg(Rochester).

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