John C. Goodman

What We Owe: $239 Trillion

What We Owe: $239 Trillion

That’s the present value of all US government spending promises minus expected revenues – projected indefinitely into the future – and calculated in 2019 dollars.

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Fourth Quarter Report 2018

Fourth Quarter Report 2018

The Goodman Institute, more than any other think tank in the country, made a significant difference in 2018 in two areas: taxes and health care.

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Fourth Quarter Report 2018

Third Quarter Report 2018

In the third quarter of 2018, the Goodman Institute continued to defend the tax reform bill against its critics. We are also continuing to work with members of Congress to find a alternative to Obamacare.

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Fourth Quarter Report 2018

Second Quarter Report 2018

In the second quarter of 2018, the Goodman Institute continued to defend the tax reform bill against its critics. We are also continuing to work with members of Congress to find a replacement to Obamacare before the next election.

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Our Role in Tax Reform

Our Role in Tax Reform

The original Ryan/Brady tax reform was largely the brainchild of Goodman Institute economists Alan Auerbach (Berkeley) and Laurence Kotlikoff (Boston University).

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Free The Labour Market

Free The Labour Market

There are three troubling trends affecting how Americans work and earn a living: (1) the rise of the robot economy, (2) the rise of the gig economy and (3) the increasingly arbitrary way in which people get access to what we used to call employee benefits.

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New Frontiers for Patient Power

New Frontiers for Patient Power

The idea behind Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) is a simple one: Instead of giving all our health care dollars to a third party (employer, heath insurance company or the government), we can put some of those dollars in an account that we own and control.

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