John C. Goodman

Goodman: Why the left doesn’t understand health care

Goodman: Why the left doesn’t understand health care

In one case, an insurer prevented a woman from getting a CT scan her doctor ordered. In another, a mother couldn’t afford the full regimen of special bags needed to clear her cancer-stricken daughter’s lungs. In a third case, a woman lost her health insurance and could not afford end-of-life chemotherapy. These examples come from National Nurses United, the country’s largest nurses’ union. To prevent further incidents like these, the union favors a universal, government-run health care system. A lead editorial in the New York Times last week appeared to endorse their thinking. Here is what these folks are missing.

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Goodman: Why the left has no new ideas

Goodman: Why the left has no new ideas

At first glance you might think that the Democratic presidential campaign is boiling over with one new idea after another. Free health care. Free education. No more carbon emissions. There have been so many pronouncements, it’s hard to keep track of them. But that’s just at first glance. If you delve deeper, you will discover these are not ideas at all. They are feelings. Strongly held feelings, mind you. But feelings, nonetheless.

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Hayworth on Fox: media bias is as bad as ever

Hayworth on Fox

Women’s issues are the issues that concern us all – including the economy. On Biden: Personalities are not policies. On Trump: The economy has been good for women.

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Goodman on HSAs

Goodman on HSAs

No other savings vehicle can top an HSA. Not a 401(k) plan. Not an IRA. Not even a Roth IRA. For starters, deposits to an HSA escape both income and payroll taxes. That can’t be said of the other three options. During the retirement years, health expenses are going to be larger than what most people realize. HSA withdrawals can be used to pay premiums for Medicare Part B, Part C and Part D, as well as any out-of-pocket medical expenses.

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Wedekind on Trump’s Reform of Medicare

Wedekind on Trump’s Reform of Medicare

Accountable Care Organizations are President Obama’s attempt at stealth privatization — 10.4 million people think they are in a fee-for-service system, when in reality their doctors have economic incentives to reduce care. And it has been illegal for doctors to inform their patients of this fact. John Goodman and Laurence Wedekind explain the development and what Medicare director Seema Verma is doing about it.

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What I Bet You Don’t Know About Health Savings Accounts

What I Bet You Don’t Know About Health Savings Accounts

Health Savings Account plans are the fastest growing product in the health insurance marketplace. At last count, 25 million Americans were covered by an HSA plan and the account balances totaled $50 billion. That’s on a par with the gross domestic product of the entire state of Alaska. It’s more than the GDP of South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming or Vermont.

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Our Priorities

Our Priorities

The Goodman Institute is doing work not done by any other organization – especially in the areas of tax, health care and entitlement policy.  Without our work the nation might not have obtained tax reform. Now we need to defend it.

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