John C. Goodman

What is modern Liberalism?

What is modern Liberalism?

If you ask liberals what they think, they will tell you they are against racism (especially segregated public schools); they favor clean air and clean water; they want to help the poor; they oppose inequality, etc. Yet if you look at what happens where liberals govern, all these problems seem to be worse than they are anywhere else.

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What’s Wrong with Private Health Insurance?

What’s Wrong with Private Health Insurance?

Bernie Sanders wants to get rid of private health insurance. Quite a few Democrats, including a number of presidential candidates, seem to agree. But why? What’s wrong with private health insurance?

A lot of things, it turns out. All too often, private health plans have perverse incentives to underprovide to people who get sick — incentives that are created by unwise government regulation. However, government insurance often faces the same incentives and the results can be even worse.

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Third Quarter Report 2019

Third Quarter Report 2019

During the third quarter, the Goodman Institute joined with the Heritage Foundation to develop a health reform plan for the Trump administration, developed a solution for surprise medical bills, explained what Republicans and Democrats want to do with Medicare and created a new environmental blog.

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How to Help the Poor

How to Help the Poor

If you are a high net worth individual you probably already know about it. A seminar on the subject at Manhattan’s Harvard Club attracted financial advisors to some of Americas richest dynasties – including the Pritzker and Soros families.

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New Environmental Blog

New Environmental Blog

The Liberty, Ecology and Prosperity blog is about appreciating and protecting the environment, using the tools of economics. The blog manager is Jane Shaw Stroup, a former senior fellow of the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC). John Baden, father of the New Resource Economics, is the lead off blogger.

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A Solution for Surprise Medical Bills

A Solution for Surprise Medical Bills

More than 4 in 10 patients who visit an emergency room or enter a hospital are confronted with bills for out-of-network services – even though the insurance company and the hospital led the patients to believe that their care would be in-network. In some cases, patients have faced charges that are many thousands of dollars. John Goodman’s solution: insurers and hospitals should not be able to claim the hospital is in the insurer’s network if that isn’t 100% true. Otherwise, its false and misleading advertising.

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We Already Know What the Trump Health Plan Is

We Already Know What the Trump Health Plan Is

Some people can’t see the forest for the trees. For the past two years the Trump administration has been pushing the limits of executive authority to make fundamental changes in our health care system. If Congress would do its part, the system would be radically different than it was the day Donald Trump was elected president. John Goodman summarizes the most the most important of these changes.

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Kotlikoff: The Case for a Carbon Tax

Kotlikoff: The Case for a Carbon Tax

Even climate deniers should be receptive to a carbon tax that is more than offset by reductions in other taxes. The total tax burden would be lower and we would be buying insurance against the bad effects of climate change. So argues Prof. Laurence Kotlikoff in The Hill.

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A Health Plan for Donald Trump

A Health Plan for Donald Trump

President Donald Trump says he wants health reform that will be better than Obamacare, better than what we had before Obamacare, and better than the Democrats’ Medicare for All. And he’s not alone. Numerous surveys show that health reform remains a top priority for Americans, who are concerned about high costs, access, and choice.

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Kamala Harris Has a Good Health-Care Idea

Kamala Harris Has a Good Health-Care Idea

She proposes to abolish the ObamaCare exchanges—a signature Democratic accomplishment—and enroll participants in something resembling Medicare Advantage, a program expanded during the George W. Bush administration. That’s better than anything Ms. Harris’s Democratic rivals have proposed. It’s also better than many Republican reform ideas.

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