John C. Goodman

Solutions for Pre-Existing Conditions

Solutions for Pre-Existing Conditions

The best position on pre-existing conditions is not to argue that the problem is small, although it certainly is, writes John Goodman at Forbes. Our argument should be that many – perhaps most – people who come to the individual market with a pre-existing condition are worse off because of Obamacare than they would have been under the old system. And that there is a conservative approach that is much better. 

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WSJ endorses our view on pre-existing conditions

WSJ endorses our view on pre-existing conditions

Joe Biden claimed at Tuesday’s debate that “100 million people who have pre-existing conditions” will lose insurance if the Trump Administration wins an Affordable Care Act case at the Supreme Court. Democrats have terrified voters with this fiction for years, and Republican confusion has helped keep the fear alive. So let’s explain the reality one more time.

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Goodman on Bidenomics

Goodman on Bidenomics

There are a surprising number of illiberal proposals, including health insurance subsidies, Medicare enrollment for seniors who are wealthy and already insured, two years of free college – subsidizing the single greatest cause of income inequality. “The puzzle in all this is, Why? Why impose a whole slew of new taxes on the rich and then turn around and give them a whole slew of new benefits?”

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Health Care Briefing With Newt Gingrich

Health Care Briefing With Newt Gingrich

Former Congresswoman Nan Hayworth, Newt Gingrich and I discuss healthcare in the next election and beyond. Newt has always been an outlier among Republican politicians when it comes to the topic of health care – aggressively searching for solutions instead of avoiding the subject. Watch my virtual briefing on Healthcare & the 2020 Election w/Newt Gingrich.

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Public Policy in a Coronavirus World

Public Policy in a Coronavirus World

The goal of the Goodman Institute has always been to provide clarity, voice, intellectual support and leadership for key public policy reforms. Dr. Goodman discusses the new coronavirus landscape and the reforms being considered and passed by Congress to grant the freedom to doctors to efficiently meet patient needs and the urgency to secure them into law.

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What is Direct Primary Care?

What is Direct Primary Care?

John C. Goodman interviews Dr. James Pinckney, CEO and Founder of Diamond Physicians, to discuss the ins and outs of a new offering from physicians called Direct Primary Care (DPC). DPC attempts to connect patients and doctors directly as a normal service provider and eliminates 3rd party insurance and wasteful spending.

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Telemedicine: The New Face of Primary Care

Telemedicine: The New Face of Primary Care

Dr. John C. Goodman interviews Wayne Orchard with MyTelemedicine to discuss the new landscape of telemedicine and how it all works. Dr. Goodman also discusses the current political landscape of telemedicine and what may or may not be available after the coronavirus threat is no longer around.

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Why We Should Deregulate Prescription Drugs

Why We Should Deregulate Prescription Drugs

A new study by the Goodman Institute by David Henderson and Charles Hooper doesn’t quibble with the safety concern of new drugs. But once we know a drug is safe, why keep it off the market while testing for efficacy when we know that can really only be established patient by patient — after clearing the FDA’s safety hurdles.

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