Goodman Institute

Why Winning is Losing for Putin

Why Winning is Losing for Putin

Invading Ukraine has made him, his associates, and, indeed, his nation radioactive. Aeroflot can no longer land in any Western city. Western airlines are canceling flights to Russia. BP and Shell Oil are pulling out of Russia. AerCap, the world’s largest aircraft leasing firm is doing likewise. So are huge banks, including HSBC. Société Géneral, and Shinhan Bank. Even Disney has had enough. It’s pulling Batman from Russian theaters.

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Will There be a Contract with America Next Fall?

Will There be a Contract with America Next Fall?

Almost three decades ago Republicans recaptured the House, for the first time in 40 years. Led by Newt Gingrich, they ran on a one page (Reader’s Digest size) set of promised reforms. My colleagues and I supplied the tax reforms for the document.

There has been a lot of media speculation about another Contract for this fall’s election. I have made a number of suggestions, but I can’t guarantee it will happen. Nonetheless, because of the prospect that it might happen the original Contract is now being trashed as partisan and self-serving by the mainstream media.

In response to this distortion of history:

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Don’t Worry about Greenland’s Melting Ice

Don’t Worry about Greenland’s Melting Ice

Greenland ‘s ice mass is melting—but more slowly than it did a decade ago, and its level right now is about the same as in the 1930s. But little of this information reaches the media or even the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)…

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More Bad Advice or Social Security

More Bad Advice or Social Security

Social Security is once again sending out clearly false benefit statements. If the code generating the statements is generating actual benefit payments, millions of Americans may be receiving too little or too much in Social Security benefit payments. If you are receiving too much, you can expect to be billed for all past overpayments years later even though the mistaken overpayment was entirely Social Security’s fault.

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Lockdowns Had Near-Zero Impact on COVID-19 Deaths

Lockdowns Had Near-Zero Impact on COVID-19 Deaths

A meta-analysis published by the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics found a variety of restrictions to stop deaths from COVID-19 had little to no effect and instead caused more damage by imposing “enormous economic and social costs.”

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Jonathan Vasdekas

Jonathan Vasdekas

Jonathan Vasdekas is a Director of Development at Ørsted, a leading global renewable energy company.

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David Suarez

David Suarez

David Suarez is a South Florida native and current Co-Owner of Lifecell where he oversees 50 in-house employees.

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Jasmina Midzic

Jasmina Midzic

Jasmina Midzic is the Director of Investor Relations at Typhon Capital Management, a multi-strategy hedge fund based in Miami.

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