Liberalism Explained

4 Apr 2024 | John Goodman, What's New

Propaganda art featuring Joseph Stalin, captioned “Long Live the USSR! Blueprint for the Brotherhood of all Working Classes of all the World’s Nationalities!” Gustav Klutsis, 1935.



All political regimes need an ideology. This is a set of principles or beliefs that explain what the government is doing and why it is doing it. Ideally, the ideology justifies the government’s role in terms of some ethical principles that are commonly accepted by the governed – even if the government is not acting in accordance with those principles and even if it is blatantly violating them.

In general, the more compelling the ideology, the more successful the state will be in carrying out its objectives. In the twentieth century, the most successful ideology-based regimes emerged in Russia, China and Germany.

The idea of taking from each according to his ability and giving to each according to his needs is a powerful idea. It loosely describes the ethos that governed the communal existence of our ancestors – living in small tribes, say, 50,000 years ago. As a practical matter, however, neither the Chinese communists nor the Russian communists ever redistributed significant resources from the able to the needy. If anything, they did the reverse. The leaders lived a life of luxury while the peasants struggled to survive. That practice was continued in subsequent communist regimes – in Cuba and North Korea, for example.

National socialism in Germany was based on the idea that individuals have a duty to sacrifice for the good of the whole. This is another idea that would have been common among our primitive ancestors.

The reason I mention our distant ancestors is because the way they thought may have been passed down to the modern era by means other than culture alone. It may, to a certain extent, be part of our genetic inheritance.

The communist moral imperative was a very effective way to explain why people shouldn’t be allowed to selfishly pursue their own happiness. The fascist moral imperative had the same end. And as I show below, a similar function was served by  20th century liberalism in the United States.

In World War II, the three most prominent figures were Hitler, Stalin and Roosevelt. All three disagreed about what government should be doing. But they were in total agreement on what government should not be doing. All three saw classical liberalism as the single greatest ideological threat to their regimes. In fact, classical liberalism was seen as a greater threat to the political thinking of these three men than communism, fascism and modern liberalism were to each other.

Government is the unique institution that has a monopoly on the socially legitimate use of force. That means government can forcibly take from Peter and give to Paul, without Peter’s consent. So, one way to think about political systems and political ideologies is to ask: when is it permissible to take from Peter and give to Paul?

In 1776, the American government was the first government in the history of the world to give a clear and unambiguous answer to the question of when the government can give to Peter what is taken from Paul. The Declaration of Independence leaves nothing to doubt. People have the right to pursue their own happiness. Government is justified in interfering with that right only if there is some overriding general welfare purpose.

By implication, it is never justified to take from Peter and give to Paul for no other reason than the fact that Paul has more votes than Peter. This is consistent with the writings of Adam Smith, John Locke, Thomas Jefferson and many other classical liberals.

Twentieth century liberalism began by calling itself “progressivism,” then “liberalism,” and then “progressivism” again. But under whatever name, it is the view that government may legitimately take from Peter and give to Paul, even if the general welfare is not promoted, and even if the general welfare is diminished.

One way to understand this distinction is to consider Lochner v. New York in 1905. In that case, the Supreme Court struck down a state law prohibiting bakery workers from working as long as 10 hours per day or 60 hours per week.

​Adam Smith would have understood this law very well. It not only served a special interest; it was motivated by ethnic prejudice. Established New York bakers sought the restriction in order to suppress competition from Italian and Jewish bakers who were willing to work longer hours. The restriction was like something you might find in the medieval guild system.

​Between 1897 and 1937, in what is known as the Lochner era, the Supreme Court struck down 184 laws. For the most part, these were laws that limited freedom of contract – usually for some obvious special interest reason, without any compelling “general welfare” rationale.

If you ask a modern liberal if he thinks that government should act to promote the general welfare, he will almost certainly say “yes.” But Adam Smith and Thomas Jefferson would have said the same thing. So, how are they different?

Here is an important distinction. Communism did not describe what the Russian and Chinese governments actually did. Instead, the communists were the ideological apologists for Stalin’s Russia and Mao’s China. Similarly, fascism didn’t describe what the German government actually did. Fascism was the intellectual apology for Hitler’s Germany.

This is the best way to understand what was happening at the same time in the United States. Modern liberalism did not advocate what liberal government did. It apologized for it and defended it against classical liberalism.

Elsewhere I have written that when democratic political systems have the ability to take from Peter and give to Paul or vice versa, without any requirement to promote the general welfare, we will get a “public choice equilibrium” that will almost always be suboptimal. That is, society as a whole will be less well-off than it could have been. Since this equilibrium is almost impossible to defend on any grounds, twentieth century liberalism rose to the challenge by arguing (falsely in my opinion) that these suboptimal outcomes are better than living in a classical liberal world. Inevitably, they made this argument by mischaracterizing what life in a classical liberal society is like.

If you ask modern liberals what they think, they will tell you they are against racism (especially segregated public schools); they favor clean air and clean water; they want to help the poor; they oppose inequality, etc. Yet if you look at what happens where liberals govern, all these problems seem to be worse than they are anywhere else.

All of these bad outcomes result from public policies enacted by liberal politicians, elected by liberal voters, often with benevolent intentions. Further, no prominent Democratic politician running for office seems willing to talk about them – let alone promise to correct them.

In the mid-twentieth century it was common to view the great ideological divide as one between capitalism and socialism. The democratic, developed countries, by contrast, were called “mixed-economy welfare states.”

Modern liberalism effectively functions as the premier defender of the mixed-economy welfare state.


Read the original article at



John C. Goodman is President of the Goodman Institute and Senior Fellow at The Independent Institute. His books include the soon-to-be-published updated edition of Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis, the widely acclaimed A Better Choice: Healthcare Solutions for America, and New Way to Care: Social Protections that Put Families First. The Wall Street Journal and National Journal, among other media, have called him the “Father of Health Savings Accounts.”


  1. Dr. Goodman, The government can’t do anything. Milton Friedman, a real Economist said, “If the Federal Government was in charge of the Sahara Desert there would be a sand shortage in 5 years.” Tampa’s Martin Armstrong, the Forecaster with Socrates, says, “Government can’t run a gumball machine.” Of course, President Reagan was correct when he said that Government is not the solution but instead, Government is the problem.” Dr. Neil Harl, Chair of Iowa State University’s (ISU) International Agricultural Economics taught, “Competition is Critical in Free and Open Markets.” Governments create Monopolies like the 37 companies of the Blue Cross Association supporting Obamacare and buying politicians of both political parties.

    The government can’t get middle managers as reliable as the invisible hand of free markets, period. End of story. A child in Ft. Myers can get Trump’s PPO Plan, in the Free and Open Market, for $89/month with an HSA-Qualifying deductible of $7,500. Consumers may choose deductibles as low as $2,500 and then 100% coverage, which Obamacare insurers refuse to do in Florida. The ONLY PPO in Florida’s Obamacare is a Blue Cross product with a higher $9,450 deductible for a whopping $399.20/month! Thank you government.

    Florida didn’t expand Medicaid and when parents earn too much for Medicaid “Florida Healthy Kids” has a plan for parents that is called “Full Pay” that has a ZERO deductible and costs $240/month per child. The cheapest Obamacare HMO is about the same with an Obamacare $9,450 deductible. Both of these choices for children are Managed Care which means Rationed Care. For example, these HMOs can’t use the MAYO Clinic voted Best Hospital in the World by Newsweek and US News and World Report. Trump’s Plan boasts the MAYO Clinic is a Member Hospital so children get the best should they get sick or hurt. Now you can see why President Trump called Obamacare a disaster a hundred times.

    My question Mr Father of HSAs; This is HSA-Qualifying insurance for $89/month for a child in Ft. Myers, Rep. Byron Donalds’ District. Byron is the Message Master as Chair of the Republican Study Committee (RSC) Messaging Task Force. Should Byron share these results with Trump’s Plan for Florida’s poor children for all 535 members of Congress? I think the 100 US Senators should get the message too. Byron could say, Republican Solutions Work!

    The Orlando Weekly reported that many Florida hospitals will charge uninsured children 10 times more. Biden on Good Friday pulled the trigger and killed Trump’s low-cost PPO which is 80% less than Obamacare’s only PPO for $400/month! Byron hasn’t said anything yet so I am going to email his campaign manager. No Republican Politician has said one word since Good Friday. We are calculating when will be the best day to release this information and drop Biden’s 8% approval down to under 4% approval. Carville, who got Hillary elected in 1992 said at Easter, “Democrats are leaving the party in DROVES!”

    Plus, to top off everything else the government has messed up and decided a single-parent Mother, earning just $65,000/year will get NO Obamacare subsidies. Of course, multi-millionaire VP Kamala Harris isn’t paying taxes on her health insurance but poorer American working Mothers must, it’s not fair. Where is the justice? All employees should be able to deduct Individual Medical (IM) and open HSAs regardless of their insurance. AND, Larger HSAs of course.

  2. The underlying philosophy of modern liberalism is that people in need of the basics of life, such as food, shelter, clothing, and medical care have a right to the resources of others to meet those needs and that people with resources have a moral obligation to fulfill the rights of those in need. This provides the basis for the government to take from those who have resources, by force if necessary, to give to the needy. A corollary to this basic philosophy is that the pursuit of individual happiness as one’s primary goal is immoral.

  3. Dear Mr. Goodman,

    It would help our cause greatl, if we dropped the word progressive as a description of a political activist who believes as liberals believe.

    They believe in progressivism, and, just as those who believe in communism are known as Communists, so should those who believe in progressivism be known as progressivists.

    “Progressivist” is free of the positive impact of “Progressive.” There is nothing about their progressivist philosophy that is positive.

    Tar them with the brush of their belief.

  4. Voltaire:

    What you wrote is how liberals typically think of themselves. However, that is not what liberals do. Where liberal live, you find the most segregated schools, the most homelessness, the worst city services for the poor, etc.

  5. I find this article excellent. It allowed me to learn about and/or clarify several key components inherent to this discussion.
    Otherwise, and as a polite observation in regard to one of the previous posts, we would be lucky if “governments didn’t do anything”. Actually, they do lots and lots of things. And ever more so. However, and unfortunately for us, a great many of these actions generate perverse effects or unintended consequences.



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