How the FDA Misled Us During the COVID Pandemic

15 Dec 2023 | What's New

COVID-19 is steadily attracting less attention, which is welcome news. Before we put the pandemic behind us, however, we should learn important lessons so we can avoid repeating mistakes. One catastrophic mistake is that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) perpetrated misinformation that probably killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Unless steps are taken to rein in the FDA’s powers, similar results are likely to happen in the future.


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John C. Goodman is President of the Goodman Institute and Senior Fellow at The Independent Institute. His books include the soon-to-be-published updated edition of Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis, the widely acclaimed A Better Choice: Healthcare Solutions for America, and New Way to Care: Social Protections that Put Families First. The Wall Street Journal and National Journal, among other media, have called him the “Father of Health Savings Accounts.”


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